How To Properly Hook Your Dog Up On Thanksgiving

It is no secret that Charleston, South Carolina is a great place to live for dog lovers. All over Charleston county you can find an abundance of fido-friendly amenities such as dog water fountains in almost all public spaces.

With so many dog lovers in the area we all have a tendency to want to “hook up your pup” with some tasty Thanksgiving treats. We wanted to share with all of our dog lover friends, whether staying in Charleston or visiting family somewhere else, this great list for dog-friendly Thanksgiving food that can be shared. Take a look at the image below provided by the Humane Society of Seattle King County.

Some uncommonly known items you DO NOT want to share with your dog are turkey bones or the skin of the turkey. Turkey itself is not toxic for dogs but since the skin is high in fat and likely seasoned with onions and various seasoning which can be toxic or highly harmful to a dogs stomach. Also avoid giving your dog turkey bones. Cooked turkey bones are often splintered and extremely dangerous for your dogs for numerous reasons.

Enjoy your thanksgiving with your family and furry friends! If you are looking for a new home to accommodate your family and your pets do not hesitate to contact us, or chat with us live anytime!


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